Write For Us

Are you seeking for any website to guest post your writing? Welcome, to our site write for us if you are a article writer and you want to take apart with our writing team. We have created the best place for you where you can share your knowledge, experience, and advice. Just follow our guidelines and give us a chance to publish your guest post opportunities.  

Grow to be the writer:

Grow you as the best writer and discover your talent contributing to your writing. You can write if you are an expert in writing about beauty, fashion, and technology. We are looking for guest posts from creative writer who is well-written articles on those topics that are related to our site. We know you’re a piece of writing that inspires our fast-growing community of readers.

Follow Our Guideline

Before starting your writing you must keep in mind a few points that we talk about step by step in the below. We make sure that the key points help you to write a standard content easily.

Select the topic of the article:

Which topic do you need to write to post on our site? you can choose any one from following topics.

  • Fashion
  • Beauty
  • makeup
  • Tech
  • Web Design / Web Development
  • UI/UX
  • iPhone/Andorid
  • Mobile Apps Review
  • Digital Marketing
  • Hair
  • Nail
  • Cloth 


The title is a very significant point on which discloses the whole topic to the readers at first sight. So, if you want to catch the sight  of your readers and keep them stay with your article at the end, you must create an attractive, eye-catching, and meaningful title. The tile must contain 60 characters.

Simple introduction:

You must maintain a short and simple introduction within 150 characters. It’ll just a summary of the whole content that you want to show in front of the readers. Just describe the theme into it that inspires the readers to read the content lastly. You can mention main keyword in the first paragraph for Google crawler.


submit Content is for the reader who only reads to get any good information. You must keep in mind to write valuable information so that the reader can stay at last of the content. You should contribute to our site with related topics. Finally, you have to maintain a creative writing structure to make the content which makes the reader more attentive and has fun into this.

Length of the content:

The length of the submit content can go 1000-1200 words. It mainly depends on the topic and content structure. Write 5-7 sentences in one paragraph and don’t use long sentence it’s a completed to understand the readers. If you use too many complex words, you might scare off your readers. So try to avoid them where possible. 


As a contributing writer, you should be written in Standard English. Use a short paragraph that easy to read and realize the meaning successfully. If the reader can’t understand actually what you want to talk about in this piece of writing, they leave this page immediately. 


You can separately mention keyword and meta Description in bellow of the article.  


We have the right to reset the unnecessary backlink. Plus we also have the right to allow you to link to your post. You should be linked in the last paragraph. You can take a maximum 1 with do follow to your website.

Add related images:

To make high-quality and attractive content, you must add relative unique images in your article. The images also reveal the meaning of writing to the readers. Features images width : 550px and height : 350px.

Write a unique article:

To expose as an expert contributing writer, you should be followed the rules and write a unique article. Avoid copying content from other’s writing. It’s not good for both you and us. It can break the intention and interest of the readers. submitted content must be original.

Avoid grammatical error:

Grammatical error isn’t accepting guest posts anyway. You must conscious about it. To make standard writing, you must follow the grammatical rules sincerely.

Author Bio:

For every article, mentioning the guest author’s Bio which is necessary.


We reserve every right to review and edit the formatting plus phrasing the article if necessary that you write.    

Finally :

we inspire the contributing writer who wants to write guest post on our related topics on our site. We also inspire them to follow the guest posting guidelines that we have a post here. We hope, you just maintain them and create creative writing for the readers. Thank you for reading our instruction and finally you can submit an article infolifestyleblogs@gmail.com